Sunday 22 September 2024

REVIEW: Space Dandy Picture Dramas

So it turns out there's a whole bunch of extra Space Dandy eps I never knew about! The Space Dandy Picture Dramas are short-form mini-episodes with simplified animation - more like motion comics. There are only five of them and mostly clock in at under ten minutes, so it works out as equivalent to roughly two proper episodes. These were apparently only ever made available on the Japanese complete series Blu-Ray release, so know wonder I hadn't heard of them.

Fortunately, some lovely person has uploaded them to a playlist on YouTube so we can all enjoy them. Naturally, these are only in Japanese, which is a shame as I adore the English dub performances, but there are subtitles on all of them. A wonderful Tumblr-er called "futuristic-roomba" (that's QT, right?) posted about them, and I've taken the titles from her post, even if they are apparently a bit questionable. Although I've Dandied them up a bit!

They're a mixed bunch and I've written my brief thoughts below. If you want to avoid spoilers, go click on the link above and watch them first.

1. BooBies Pair Adventure, Baby!

This short is a great start to the little series, although it's an oddity in that Dandy is barely in it, showing up for a few seconds at the end (he's been rendered indisposed by a bad case of the trots). This instead focuses on Meow and QT on their own adventure with Honey and Candy. If you don't remember Candy, don't feel bad; she's barely been in it before, briefly appearing in ep. 1-2, “The Search for the Phantom Space Ramen, Baby." She's fun though; I like her just as much as Honey and she has cute hair,

This is good fun. It's close to the standard art style of the series, just with less animation, which is an easy way in but makes it visually less interesting than the other shorts. Seeing two BooBies waitresses trying to become alien hunters is an entertaining way to spend nine minutes, especially as they seem to be completely amoral. (Judging by what we've seen over the series, Dandy and co. are probably the most ethical alien hunters out there.)

I Know This Planet, Baby: Planet Daga is an unreal world where anything you imagine becomes reality - but only within the space of the planet.

2. It's a Launderette from Hell, Baby! 

This is my favourite of the five shorts. The art style is appealing, a sketchbook style with dark, moody hues, which suits the story and the still-art nature of the shorts. This is a full-on Dandy heavy adventure, showing him at his most heroic as he rescues the Ugglies from indentured servitude. It's a pretty serious one, really, dealing as it does with people trafficking and modern slavery. I do love the idea that every launderette/laundromat in the universe links to this one planet and everything is actually washed by hand.

We're Alien Hunters, Baby: The Ugglies are rotund, fish-faced creatures with huge lips and teeth. They come from the Planet Uggly (pronounced to sound like "kiss" which clearly only works in Japanese). They can't write but they can sure fight.

3. Cheerful Wake Me Up, Baby! 

Another great little episode, a QT-focused one which works as a follow-up to 1-13, "Even Vacuum Cleaners Fall in Love, Baby." It gives an insight into QT's existence, as part of a mass-produced line of robots that are visually indistinguishable and can be disposed of and replaced on a whim. It's really the second short in a row that deals with a form of slavery, but none of it gets heavy. 

It's pretty heartwarming, with QT showing how he's grown as an individual and starting to inspire his fellow hoovers, and Dandy showing that he can recognise him and values him. They're a crew, even if they spend most of the time bitching at each other. Nice, drawn-style artwork here, simple and colourful, which suits the story.

4. The Road to Debut is Harsh, Baby! 

I didn't like this one. I don't know, maybe I'm missing the point of it, but it just isn't very interesting or fun. The sloppy, hand-drawn, felt-tip artwork is a big step-down from the others. It's something different and makes this short stand out, but it just doesn't look good.

This one isn't really a Space Dandy story at all, more of a background story. It's all very meta, with Tohn Jravolta auditioning for a role in the series. He's just an ordinary looking guy here, nothing like the Jravolta in 2-9, "We're All Fools, So Let's All Dance, Baby." That guy was a gold-skinned, almost mechanical-looking alien. I guess that's him in costume, and underneath it is this guy. Regardless, this is pretty boring. I assumed the judging panel would turn out to be Dandy and co. but they're actually a bunch of dogs.

5. Let's Take a Bath Again, Baby!

Easily the most meta of them all, and given this is Space Dandy we're talking about, that's meta indeed. Set right after the final episode of the series, in which, lest we forget, the universe ended. Is this the new universe 14.8 billion years later, when we've come full circle? Seems unlikely, as everyone remembers what happened in the finale. 

Of course, that's a pointless question, when the characters are sitting around discussing the show. Incorporating the fourth short as well, we have fictional characters auditioning to play fictional characters, who then sit around discussing their fiction, in character.

Bringing back Space Trucker Dandy and Lady Meow is a nice touch, as they were the most Dandy-ish of the alternative versions appearing in 2-1, "I Can't be the Only One, Baby." I could've done without meeting Manga Hero Dandy again, though. He's just as annoying as ever, and turns out to be really rapey as well. At least he's seen off by the others. This short is a lot of fun, with a really effective artstyle, and makes for a nice final ending to the Dandyverse.

I Know This Planet, Baby: From the look of the plants and the moon in the sky, we might finally be seeing Dandy on Earth.

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