Doctor Who Review Index

Here's a list of all the Doctor Who reviews I've written over the years that are still available on the web, either here or at Television Heaven. They're listed by Doctor, including links to my 'Doctor by Doctor' articles, followed by spin-offs and further material. See a title but can't click on it? Well, that probably means I'm planning to review it soon, or that it's been reviewed but not uploaded yet. Check back for updates.

The First Doctor - William Hartnell

My boy. Hmmm.

An Unearthly Child (part of article)

A Big Hand for the Doctor (Penguin eBook)
Hunters of Earth (Destiny of the Doctor)
The Masters of Luxor (The Lost Stories)

The Time Travellers (Past Doctor Adventures)
The Dark Planet (The Lost Stories)
Deathworld (The Lost Stories)

Twice Upon a Time
novelisation review

The Second Doctor - Patrick Troughton

When I say run...

The Power of the Daleks (part of article)   fan film version

The Three Doctors

The Rosemariners (The Lost Stories)
The Menagerie (The Missing Adventures)
Shadow of Death (Destiny of the Doctor)
The Wheel of Ice (BBC Books)
The Queen of Time (The Lost Stories)
Lords of the Red Planet (The Lost Stories)
Deleted Scenes (Short Trips)
Deathworld (The Lost Stories)

The Third Doctor - Jon Pertwee


Spearhead from Space (part of article)
Deathworld (The Lost Stories)

The Fourth Doctor - Tom Baker

A witty little knitter

Robot (part of article)
Genesis of the Daleks
Terror of the Zygons
The Key to Time Part One Part Two
Out of Time (Big Finish)
Once and Future: Past Lives (Big Finish)

 The Fifth Doctor - Peter Davison

Howzat! Adric?

Castrovalva (part of article)
The Five Doctors (novelisation)
The Gates of Hell (Big Finish)

The Sixth Doctor - Colin Baker

You were expecting someone else?

The Twin Dilemma (part of article)
Mind of the Hodiac (The Lost Stories)
Grave Matter (Past Doctor Adventures)
The Light at the End (Big Finish)
Vampire of the Mind (Big Finish)
The Legacy of Time (Big Finish)
The Last Adventure (Big Finish)
Wink (Big Finish)
Emperor of the Daleks (comic collection)  

The Seventh Doctor - Sylvester McCoy


Time and the Rani (part of article)
Battlefield (Target novelisation) 

Nemesis of the Daleks (comic collection) 
Emperor of the Daleks (comic collection)

The Eighth Doctor - Paul McGann

These shoes!

The TV Movie (part of article)
The Novel of the Film

The Scarlet Empress (Eighth Doctor Adventures)
The Light at the End (Big Finish)
The Elixir of Doom (The Companion Chronicles)
All Flesh is Grass (BBC novel, TLV)

Dark Eyes (Big Finish)
Dark Eyes 2 (Big Finish)
The Legacy of Time (Big Finish)
Stranded vol. 1 (Big Finish)
A Matter of Life and Death (Titan Comics)

Izzy's Story Benny's Story Fitz's Story Mary's Story (The Company of Friends)

Seasons of War: Gallifrey (novel)

The Night of the Doctor

The War Doctor - John Hurt
Once and Future: Coda (Big Finish)

The Ninth Doctor - Christopher Eccleston


Rose (ten year retrospective)
novelisation review

Ravagers (Big Finish)
All Flesh is Grass (BBC novel, TLV)
Monstrous Beauty (DWM)

Once and Future: Time Lord Immemorial (Big Finish)

The Tenth Doctor - David Tennant

Wawww, yesh!

The Christmas Invasion (part of article)
Out of Time (Big Finish)
The Gates of Hell (Big Finish)
Wink (Big Finish)
Defender of the Daleks (Titan Comics)
All Flesh is Grass (BBC novel, TLV)
Free Speech (Short Trips)
A Little Help from My Friends/Alternating Current (Titan Comics)

The Eleventh Doctor - Matt Smith

Bowties are cool.

Shuttity up-up!

Deep Breath
Into the Dalek
Robot of Sherwood
Time Heist
The Caretaker
Kill the Moon
Mummy on the Orient Express
In The Forest of the Night
Dark Water/Death in Heaven

Last Christmas

The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar
Under the Lake/Before the Flood
The Girl Who Died
The Woman Who Lived
Sleep No More
Heaven Sent
Hell Bent

The Husbands of River Song
The Return of Doctor Mysterio

The Pilot
Thin Ice
Knock Knock
The Pyramid at the End of the World
The Lie of the Land
The Empress of Mars
The Eaters of Light
World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls

Twice Upon a Time
novelisation review

Lights Out (BBC eBook)
Four Doctors (Titan Comics)
Diamond Dogs, The Shining Man, Plague City (BBC Books)
Regeneration Impossible (Short Trips)

Doctor Who Magazine 2018

The Thirteenth Doctor - Jodie Whittaker

Doctor Who: Flux - overview

Time Out of Mind (Titan Comics)
The Shadow Passes (short story)
Shadow of a Doubt/The Shadow in the Mirror (performed stories)
A Little Help from My Friends/Alternating Current (Titan Comics)

The Fourteenth Doctor - David Tennant (reprise)

Why this face?

Destination: Skaro (CiN short)
The Giggle

The Fifteenth Doctor - Ncuti Gatwa

Time travellers are like, "Wow!"

All Flesh is Grass (BBC novel, TLV)
Forgotten Lives (Obverse Books)

Deathworld (The Lost Stories)

The Fugitive Doctor - Jo Martin 
Origins (Titan Comics)
Once and Future: Coda (Big Finish)

Past, future, alternative and apocryphal incarnations

Forgotten Lives (Obverse Books)

Non-fiction/live experience/docudrama

AHistory third edition
An Adventure in Space and Time (docudrama)
The Annual Years
The Black Archive: Rose
Regenerations (anthology)
The History Between Us (anthology)


Farewell, Sarah Jane Smith (performed story)
Daleks! (YouTube animated series)
Missy vol. 2 (Big Finish series)
Masterful (Big Finish special)
Tales of the TARDIS

Iris Wildthyme

The Scarlet Empress (Eighth Doctor novel)
The Elixir of Doom (Eighth Doctor audio)
Iris: Fifteen (anthology)
Wildthyme in Purple (anthology)
Muse of Fire (Seventh Doctor audio)
Iris Wildthyme, Throughout Time  (blog freature)


Doctor Who 2005-24
Doctor Who: New Beginnings Part One Part Two

1) A Citizen of the Universe (William Hartnell, 1963-66)
2) The Cosmic Hobo (Patrick Troughton, 1966-69)
3) Licence to Frill (Jon Pertwee, 1970-74)
4) Bohemian Rhapsody (Tom Baker, 1974-81)
5) Captain of the Team (Peter Davison, 1981-84)
6) Loud, Proud and Dangerous to Know (Colin Baker, 1984-86)
7) The Man With the Plan (Sylvester McCoy, 1987-96)
8) Through the Wilderness (Paul McGann, 1996-2003)
9) Working Class Hero (Christopher Eccleston, 2005)
10) Earth's Champion (David Tennant, 2005-10)
11) A Madman With a Box (Matt Smith, 2010-13)
12) Scotch on the Rocks (Peter Capaldi, 2013-17)

Sidestep 1) Grandad, We Love You (Peter Cushing)
Sidestep 2) The Stand-In Delivers (Richard Hurndall)
Sidestep 3) Cheer Up, Goth (Richard E. Grant)
Sidestep 4) The Missing Link (John Hurt)

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