If there’s one thing I adore – apart from Doctor Who, Red Dwarf and Star Trek – then it’s Ghostbusters. So it’s high time I caught
up with IDW’s new comic series (actually, if IDW got the rights to Dwarf, they’d be publishing comics based
on my four favourite fictional worlds.) I recently treated myself to the first
IDW Ghostbusters omnibus, the first Real Ghostbusters omnibus and the first
volume of the ongoing IDW strips. The
Real Ghostbusters Omnibus contains reprints of the old NOW Comics released
in the US. I grew up with Marvel-UK’s RBG
comic, but still recognise a few of these; the two publications sometimes
reprinted each other’s strips. The RGB
Omnibus is great fun, but it’s a nostalgia exercise. I’m going to focus my
attention on the new Ghostbusters stories.
First up is the Ghostbusters
Omnibus, which collects IDW’s miniseries and one-shots in their popular
omnibus format. A third of the book is taken up by the ambitious opening story,
The Other Side, a dimension-hopping
adventure by the wonderfully named Keith Champagne. The Ghostbuster find
themselves right in the middle of a ghostly mob war, an altercation that leaves
them in serious trouble. Perhaps this script could be pitched as the third Ghosbusters movie – it might finally win
Bill Murray over. Murray’s already said that he’d be interested in returning if
Peter Venkman could be a ghost, and in this series, that’s just what happens,
when one of the phantom mobsters possesses his body, kicking Dr V. out and into
the great beyond. The others aren’t long behind, finding themselves on the
receiving end of a hail of bullets, but I’m sure Murray wouldn’t mind that – the
unusual circumstances of Venkman’s disembodiment leave his spirit superpowered!

It’s a strong, exciting adventure with plenty of time for
each of the four ‘Busters to have their moment in the spotlight. Tom Nguyan’s artwork
takes a little getting used to, purely for the character’s dissimilarity to
their actor counterparts, but once you’re over this, the whole style of the
piece works well. Moose Baumann’s colouring is absolutely gorgeous, and lifts the
artwork even further. A minus point is the unoriginality of the Mob concept;
the old NOW comics featured a similar storyline, and Al Capone’s ghost even
appeared in the RGB cartoon! Nonetheless,
The Other Side is a great start to
IDW’s Ghostbusters comic run.
Displaced Aggression is
the second four-part storyline in the omnibus, and is a more episodic affair. Separating
the four ‘Busters and stranding them at separate points in time, it features a
whole host of nasties for them to battle before the final showdown. Scott
Lobdell’s story throws us right into the action, opening with Venkman battling
rotting phantom bandits in the Old West, before facing up against a hideously deformed
demonic cow (!) Ilias Kyriazis provides artwork that is more cartoony in style
than Nguyan’s, and this fits the fun, action-packed style of the story. His creature
designs are great, especially the aforementioned demon cow, and extend to spectral
dragons that breathe ectoplasmic flames and soft-bodied alien spirits that
swarm over Mars.

The remainder of the omnibus is taken up by a series of
one-shots, collectively known as ‘Haunted Holidays,’ each of which takes a
twisted look at some kind of festival or festivity. ‘Tainted Love’ is the
Valentine’s tale, and is a strong Winston story by Dara Naraghi. It’s not too
luvvy-duvvy, but it’s not too funny either, which is a shame after the witty
scripts of the two miniseries. ‘Con-Volution’ is a slight story that feels very
in keeping with the RGB series,
focussing of Ray’s obsession with collecting comic books. Keith Dallas and Jim
Beard provide a decent script and Johs Howard’s cartoony art fits the mood
There has to be a Hallowe’en story, of course, and ‘What in
Samhain just happened?’ doesn’t disappoint. None other than Peter and Kathleen
David script this one, with gorgeous, fun, stylised artwork from ‘Dapper’ DanShoening. It’s chock full of fun little references to the animated series, but
holds its own as a solid story. Given their familiarity with RGB, though, you’d have thought that the
Davids would have refrained from calling the starring ghost Sam Hain;
immediately, he’ll be compared to the pumpkin-headed supervillain Samhain from
the cartoon show. Still, this is great stuff, and it’s always fun to see Janine
pick up a pack and go busting. Dapper Dan returns for the following story,
James Eatock’s ‘Guess What’s Coming to Dinner?’ However, this flimsy story is a
real weak link in the run, a one-joke short that is fun enough but instantly
All that’s missing from this collection is IDW’s Infestation! crossover event, which by
its nature wouldn’t fit too well in a purely Ghostbusters volume. Altogether, this run of stories is funny,
fast-paced and full of phantasmic features, and it’s easy to see why the
publishers decided to forge ahead with their ongoing series – which is what I
shall review next.
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